Leisure Time Lager is a Witbier...kinda.
Brewed with locally grown wheat and spiced in a similar
manner, Leisure Time takes a few twists that plant it solely in
the realm of “other.” Traditional Witbier are not normally lagered (cold-conditioned)
for any length of time, rather allowing the ale yeast to develop fruity notes.
This aspect is noticeably absent from Leisure Time in a crispness that holds
firm through the finish. While the addition of coriander and orange peel is standard, the lemongrass and chamomile are not. The chamomile lends of
lavender-like floral quality and the lemongrass enhances the citric quality
already imparted by the orange peel and mild hops to refresh the palate with a
trifecta of flavor.
This is not the first Jack’s Abby beer that I’ve raved about
and it certainly won’t be my last. For a brewery that has only been in
operations for about a year, Jack’s Abby has certainly found a place in my
repertoire of superbly produced local beers and is almost never out of stock in my
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