Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Summer Beer Round-Up #3: Brooklyn Summer Ale

I realize that each of the beers in this series so far has come from a can, but that’s just the nature of summer beers these days.  Good for the beach, the pool (you don’t want glass bottles anywhere near a pool deck, just ask Amanda) or hiking. They’re easy to carry in and once the liquid is imbibed, the cans are easily crushed and recycled.

The third beer in this summer beer round-up is Brooklyn Summer Ale. Again, I’m not sure why I’ve never picked up this beer before now, but it is a remarkably refreshing and flavorful beer for summer. Very dry and earthy with a slight hint of citrus (from the hops, not added citrus) and a bready graininess through the finish. This beer is a little more rounded at 5% ABV. Some summer beers clock in a little lower, but I appreciate the slightly higher alcohol content which can stand up to food a little better than its lighter counterparts.

While I have no problem with summer beers brewed with citrus fruits and other “summery” additions, it’s nice to see a warm-weather beer that stands on its own without those flourishes. Brooklyn Summer Ale is a great example of a summer beer that lets beer’s four main ingredients do their job.


  1. Agreed! I also recently fell in love with this beer. Wish it was year round, but I'll savor it all the more when it comes around next year.

    1. You should try Mayflower Pale Ale or Cisco Whale's Tail Pale Ale, both have similar characteristics to Brooklyn Summer.

